Conference on Large Carnivores` Protection in the Carpathians

​​​​​​​The Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
​​​​​​​together with the Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention

Front page of the Conference event.

Date: October 18-21, 2016
Venue: Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, the Czech Republic

The Carpathian region harbours one of the most important large carnivore populations (the Eurasian lynx, the Brown bear, and the Grey wolf) in Europe. In addition to suitable habitats, the above mentioned mammalian species require extensive, non-fragmented habitats to establish their large home ranges and to allow long-distance movements. Despite their long-term protection in some countries within the region and their functional role as ecosystem keystone species, these top predators are still considered to be conflict species there.

Thus, the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians (The Carpathian Convention), namely its Protocol on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological and Landscape Diversity, together with the Carpathian Convention Working Group on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological and Landscape Diversity (The Biodiversity Working Group) pay special attention to effective large carnivores` conservation.

One of the main priorities of the Czech Presidency of the Carpathian Convention (2014-2017) has been to reduce landscape fragmentation, particularly caused by uncontrolled development of settlements and transport and other linear infrastructure. The issue is also closely related to the EU´s Green Infrastructure, dealing with landscape permeability and connectivity, and it uses, inter alia, the BioREGIO Carpathians Project outputs (Common Integrated Management Measures for Large Mammals) and experience of the sister Alps Convention.

Further, we would like to take the opportunity to enhance the necessary co-operation with other Carpathian countries in large carnivores’ protection and to support the reasonable coexistence of large carnivores with humans. We would like to share our knowledge of the topic with colleagues from Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine. The conference offers a suitable platform to share knowledge and to exchange experience and to be a kick-off for further common dialogue on large carnivores’ successful survival within the Carpathian region. 

The Conference will be held for experts from these target countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine.

Conference Objectives:

  • To share and to exchange information on large carnivores` monitoring and protection within the Carpathian region
  • To establish an informal expert panel for large carnivores within the Carpathian Convention which will focus on developing and implementing future common large carnivores’ management plan in the Carpathians
  • To establish a formal partnership between the Carpathian Convention and the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC)

Expected Results of the Conference:

  • The representatives of the Member States of the Carpathian Convention will gain knowledge on large carnivores’ protection in other Carpathian countries
  • The representatives from EU accession countries (Ukraine, Serbia) will gain knowledge on EU legislation on protection of large carnivores
  • Transnational network will be established for further common Carpathian dialogue on large carnivores’ protection


Main output of the conference: Declaration on the Management and Protection of Large Carnivores in the Carpathians


Memorandum of Cooperation between Carpathian Convention and CIC

Presentations from specific days

Tuesday 18th October 2016
1_Barancekova et al Status of large carnivores in CZ
5_Selva_Brown bear status and conservation in Poland
6_Papp_Status of LCs RO
7_Szemethy_LC conservationin Hungary
8_Iakovliev_Shkvyria et al. Overview of current state of carnivores population
9_Cirovic_LC Conference _Serbia
10_Papp_Questionnaire_LCs Carpathians
11_Papp_Project Database Carpathians

Wednesday 19th October 2016
1_Šíma_Large carnivores-Roznov-20161019
2_Marghescu_Introduction Platform CZ
3_Hlaváč_Habitat fragmentation and large carnivores in the Western Carpathians
4_Taras Bashta_Bear Project_2016_10_Carnivore
5_Králik_Migration study of large mammals at highways in 10
9_Kubala_Rigg_Final seminar
10_Finďo_et_al_conservation_management wolf in Slovakia
12_Groff - carpathian LC

Thursday 20th October 2016
1_Ionescu_Population level management
2_Zmeškalova_How do management plans work in CZ

Country teams outputs
Czech Republic
​​​​​​​How to move forward toward Carpathians_summary_national_visions
​​​​​​​Proceedings of the conference

Pozvánka na akci.

More information also on the web of the Carpathian Convention

This project of the Conference is funded by the German Federal Environment Ministry’s Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP) for environmental protection in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and other countries neighbouring the European Union. It is supervised by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the German Environment Agency (UBA).

The responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors.

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